Sunday, February 22, 2015

Looking up at the Wagon

I have mentioned this before, but I think it is worth mentioning again. Honesty with self is the most important type of honesty. And, sometimes for me, that means accepting that I am not perfect. Accepting that on my journey to fit and fabulous, I will occasionally fall off the wagon and eat something on the no, no list.

This weekend was rough for me. I have not been feeling so hot. Between migraine issues all week which impeded my workouts, a sinus infection that has morphed into bronchitis, and now steroids, it has been a true struggle. In addition, we have had weird weather and I have been out in the field all weekend which means we ate out more than normal.  And, today, I ate the item I've been craving all week.

I wanted a BurgerFi hamburger.

I wanted a BurgerFi hamburger and I ate it.

I wanted it, I ate it, and I'm not mad about it.

Yep, let me repeat that, I'm not mad about it.

So often when we fall off the wagon, and we are looking at it from the ground, it looks daunting. So often, we wonder if we can even get back up and we give up and continue down the path of bad behaviors.  But, it doesn't have to be that way.

Instead, you can enjoy the meal, accept that it is okay. And, get right back on track. That is what I am choosing to do. We have prepped our food for the week. We have a wonderful dinner tonight of steamed broccoli, bison burgers and sweat potatoes.

So, if you fall off, get right back on. Don't beat yourself up, find your will and your commitment and keep going.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Commiting to Me

Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.

Earlier this year, I made a commitment to myself. I committed to a healthy life. This means eating healthy and workout out. This is an easy commitment to make, but takes a great deal of discipline to keep. 

As a professional, I am faced with work travel, business lunches and dinners. My schedule is erratic and retail driven. In addition, I have school work, a family and health challenges. I've been fighting chronic migraines that may last weeks at a time. And, I am a foodie. I love to cook, I love to eat, and I love to try new restaurants. 

All of these things challenge me every day. 

With the food challenges, I eat clean at home.  But, when I go out for work, I try to make the best choices possible. I choose a protein and vegetable. Or, I choose a fish that has been grilled.  Often I am challenged with desserts.  If I feel the need to participate, I have a bite.  A SINGLE BITE. 

The biggest challenge for me is working out.  I hate to sweat. It is my least favorite thing to do.  I can think of a million things I would rather do than workout. Today was one of those days. I woke up with congestion and I probably sneezed one hundred times before lunch. When I got home, I was exhausted. My husband wasn't home to workout with me. The LAST thing I wanted to do was workout. 

I put the P90 disc on and I hit play. After I finished my workout, I felt a sense of accomplishment. At that moment, I realized I LOVE the way I feel after I finish a workout. It's the realization that I feel stronger, I can do more than I did yesterday. It is realizing I no longer walk down or up stairs like an eighty year old. It is the realization that I am moving faster. 

After I finished my workout, I realized that I was meeting my commitments to myself. Making a commitment to yourself is probably the hardest commitment to make. If you fail to keep the commitment, it matters to no one...but yourself. You cannot lie about it, you cannot hide from it, you cannot keep it a secret.  You will know when you keep the commitment or when you do not. 

I am choosing to keep my commitments to myself.  I will continue to eat as healthy as possible. I will continue to keep pressing play and challenging myself to be more physically active. I am committed to working hard. I will be a healthier person. 

What commitments are you making? Are you keeping them?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Sedentary Life

For years I have struggled with my weight.  I know some of it is a hand to mouth problem.  But, I also know some of it is due to Hypo-Thyroid, repeated respiratory infections and rounds of steroids, and other health problems.  But, I also felt like I was fairly active.  Sure I didn't work out on a regular basis...or at all. But, I am a busy person. I work in a retail environment, I walk a lot.  Well...

Early 2014 I purchased my first activity tracker.  I was doing weight watchers at the time and I purchased their ActiveLink product. I used it while swimming and I felt it was very inaccurate. It just wasn't giving me credit for all of my activity.

So, in the summer I purchased the Misfit Shine.  I set my goals, and I'd watch the dots go around the face as I did my activity. Well, maybe my goals were set too high since I was only maybe getting 1/4 of the way around the dial. So, I adjusted my goals and I would get 1/2 way around.

Surely I was more active than this.

A week ago, I decided I wanted something more accurate.  I was starting P90 and wanted to be sure I had something that gave me credit for all my calories burned. The Fitbit Charge HR was the answer. It tells me exactly how many steps I have taken, how many calories I have burned, heart rate, etc. My first workout with the Fitbit, I burned 229 calories.  How is it possible that I worked so hard and only burned 229 calories? In addition, I only walked 5400 steps?? Okay, maybe I need to look at a workday, when I am in the field. I walked 5700 steps.

Suddenly, it was so obvious to me. I wasn't burning enough.  Even with calorie reduction, I wasn't burning enough calories to really make an impact on my life.  I had no idea I was that sedentary.

So, now that I knew what the problem was, I had to make a big commitment to myself.  I had to get up and move. I now treat conference calls as Walk-A-Thons. I had to get up during commercials (instead of fast forwarding through them) and walk, step, squat, run in place...anything that could count as activity. I increased my step goal, my calories burned goal and lowered my calorie intake goal. And, I am finally seeing results.

We need to evaluate our perception of our own lifestyle and activity. Are we being honest with ourselves.  I surely wasn't.  I was leading a sedentary life. But, no more.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Oh the Places I Go...

"Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.”

I travel often for work, it's one of the things I love most about my career.  In the past, I have traveled for one corner of the US to the other to support our programs.  Currently, my travel is mostly within a three state area, but occasionally, like this week, I am invited to venture outside of my home territory to assist peers in their development.  Development is what I love most about the positions I have held over the last fifteen years, but more specifically, the last three. 

However, with the journey I am on, travel can be a burden too.  We often don't think too much about it, you go out to eat for lunch, sounds fun! When you are on a healthy path, it is a challenge.  Can you force your companions to eat where you want?  Of course not.  You must make the choices that are best in the given situation.  

Yesterday, I did great.  I ordered off the less than 700 menu, dropped the rice for broccoli and didn't eat the sauce that came on the side.  Today, not so good.  We ended up at a Mexican restaurant.  My favorite. I stayed away from the chips. But, ordering was a big challenge.  I ended up with a Carne Asada steak served with guacamole, rice, beans, grilled peppers. I ate the steak, the guacamole, two bites of beans and half of the grilled pepper.  Still, in my best calculations, it was probably close to 700 calories.  I was miserable. Not, miserable from a "feels bad about my choices" point, but my body just felt gross. 

What did I learn from today's lunch?  Speak up. If there is a genre of food that can be calorie laden or that may be a trigger food for you, respectfully ask if there is another option. If you need to follow the group, your only choice is to make the best decision possible.  And, I feel like I did.

So, what else can you do when you are traveling?  I try not to eat out every meal. Yesterday I went to whole foods and picked up carrots, hummus, apple, peanut butter, almond milk, bananas.  This is survival food for me. It helps me to have my own snacks so that if I am hungry, I don't grab something on the go from a convenience store. I also travel with a small blender and my Shakeology. And, when it comes to dinner, I have options.

Tonight, I researched the surrounding restaurants.  The calories of the average meal in a restaurant exceeds 1000.  Even when I find something lower, the sodium content is off the charts.  So, I opted to drink a Shakeology shake with peanut butter and banana mixed up in a travel blender.  I've had some carrots and hummus and I very well may have apple and peanut butter later. 

To me, the key to surviving a trip without crashing your lifestyle (diet by any other name) is to be prepared. Have a plan and do your best to stick to it.  And, should you trip up over unforeseen obstacles, just keep going!

So, as I started, so shall I leave you:

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's been a while...

It's been a while...

So much happened in 2012 that derailed my efforts.  Really, they are all excuses and I am ready to leave them behind me.  But, if you must know, my husband went back to school and my father died all in the same week. In addition, I've had headaches/migraines for the last year (yes, year). This really derailed my life.

Over the last two years, my weight and health have suffered.  I stopped doing the activities that were helping me be healthy.  I gave up a bit.

But no more...

2015 is the year of me.

I started back to school this week.  I will get a promotion this year.  And, I am getting my health back on track.

This blog will be mostly devoted to the latter.  The first thing I am doing to get back on track is adding Beachbody's Shakeology back into my daily routine.  I never felt as good as I did when drinking Shakeology daily.  For the next 90 days, I plan to use Shakeology as a meal replacement. In addition, my husband and I will be doing the new P90 workout from Tony Horton together. These activities combined with a low carb (not no carb) eating plan will get me started.

My goal?  10lbs per month...30 in 90 days.

I will succeed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Finding my Fit Again

Every one of us has plateaued in our search for health.

Every one of us has fluctuated in our search for health.

Every one of us has faltered in our quest to be fit.

I have done all three over the last several months.

First, I plateaued.  I wasn't gaining, I wasn't losing, I was just staying the same.  I was traveling a great deal for work and constantly battling sinus issues.  I ate healthy and this saved me.  I was just standing on a plateau.

Then, I would fluctuate a pound or two.  It wasn't a bit deal.  Sometimes on a trip, I would gain a few, but I would drop them right off when I got home.

Then I faltered.  Sometimes life hands us obstacles that we cannot overcome.  And, when food is your comfort, it is hard to turn away.  This is what happened to me two months ago when my father died.  At first, I could not eat.  Then, when I could, I ate very poor choices.  I ate comfort foods.

I have gained 8 lbs.

I am not going to keep gaining.

Most people would say:  "I will wait until after the holidays."

Not me.

I started Monday.

So far so good.  I am documenting my recipes for another blog on how to survive the Holiday with quick and easy meals.  So check out Surviving the Holidays.

Because I will survive the Holidays.  And, I will lose weight.  And, I will get back on track.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sometimes it Ain't so Easy

This past week has been a struggle for me. 

I traveled to Birmingham, AL for business which normally isn't such a challenge. However, I was traveling with others and felt I did not have as much control over where and what I ate. I did go to whole foods and get snacks (apple, peanut butter, pop corn) and my breakfast (cereal and rice milk). 

My trip to whole foods helped me avoid the conference room cookies, sodas and other naughty foods. And, the one morning I did eat breakfast with my coworkers, I had eggs and fruit. But, I could not avoid the temptation of one piece of bacon!

My biggest derail on the road was eating out. I forgot my own lessons of sauce on the side, grilled when possible, etc. It's one thing to have a cheat meal, but I feel like I had several this week.

In addition to the traveling this week, I have suffered from Migraines off and on all week, hormone issues, social's been a healthy eating recipe for disaster.

But, I have a choice. I can give up and go down the path I have gone in the past. I can just keep putting garbage in and give up. OR, I CAN GET BACK ON TRACK. I choose health. 

I started this morning on a date with my husband. I had eggs Benedict. I had crab instead of canadian bacon, the Benedict on the side, and only ate half the English muffin. 7 WW points vs 14 WW points. 

Smart decisions make BIG differences!